

SEENCON硅水凝胶是CY仓库的 他家卖了好几年了是韩国原装正品 最近很火 国内假货比较多注意假货啦


2,seencon 和darrens哪个好

sio是硅水凝胶的 舒适度来说当然比其他美瞳好 geo是夸张型的 cosplay可以选择 seencon极光系列做得很好 属于混血型的 看你想要买哪种类型的咯

seencon 和darrens哪个好


seencon目前只有极光等系列 然后包装盒也比较独特的~~如果亲亲买了可以发我看看mannie_uk如果米有可以考虑我家哟~~正品保证
要说这个电子防伪标签那我跟你推荐聚核芯,他们的防伪标签在出厂前固化在芯片中的全球惟一id 内码,其中支持的加密算法保证每一个电子防伪标签都是独一无二难以假冒的。



human being 人类 being只是be的进行时,单独没意思
名词 n. 1. 存在;生存;生命[U] When did the universe come into being? 宇宙最初是何时形成的? 2. 生物;人[C] Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space? 有人见到过外星人吗? 3. (常指有生命体之)本质[U] 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 1. 现在分词用在独立结构中 自考《英语(二)》串讲资料(四) -无忧自... 5. being 现在分词用在独立结构中 http://www.51zkw.com/... 2. 生存,存在;生物,人 考研英语冲刺30天第4天:抓住基础 词句为... being 生存,存在;生物,人 http://www.51test.net... 3. 独立主格结构。 英语(二)试题 → 【英语二】全国2004... 65.being, 独立主格结构。

5,英语翻译 急

1.Have you ever seen of astonishing things 2.Can you tell me about the robot things 3.Can you describe your first time on a plane travel feelings 4.You two are in the same class 5.Yesterday you ask the teacher this problem
1. have you ever seen anything impressive?2. can you tall me something about robots?3. can you describe your feelings when you first flied?4. are you two in the same class?5. is this the question you asked to the teacher yesterday?
1.Have- you- ever- seen- anything- astonishing ? 2.Can -you- tell- me -something- about- robots ? 3.Can -you- describe- what- you- felt- when- you- traveled - by- plane- for- the- first- time ? 4.Are you two in the same class? 5.Did you ask the teacher this question yesterday ?
首先,解答你的问题:以上几句话的英译为 1 Have you ever seen the amazing thing?(2) Can you tell me what the robot side of things?3 Can you describe what you feel the first plane trip it?4 you both in the same class it?5 yesterday you asked the teacher this problem? 其次,觉得授人以鱼不如授人以渔, 以后遇到这样的问题时你可以登录 http://www.hao123.com/ 然后点击最下方的 实用工具 一栏的:在线翻译 输入你想要翻译的内容 即可 最后希望你能喜欢我的回答~ (*^__^*) 嘻嘻…

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