

sweety color = 甜蜜的彩色 sweety cake = 甜蜜的蛋糕 sweety future = 甜蜜的未来
sweet honey


2,在淘宝上发布宝贝sweet color时应该怎么填写

亲,开个网店吧,刚开始比较困难我来帮你啊 我教你具体的流程的 , 一个好的师傅 . 你好,很希望能指导你。,开淘宝店最重要的还是找个好师傅,这是你成功的基础。 我也是在淘宝开店,也是过来人,感受很深。 所以带新手都是全心全意,毫无保留的。 如果有兴趣开店,来找我吧,多个朋友多条路! σσ 【 388 45 626】(去掉中间的空格哦) 我们是专业团队,如果感到不满意,你们可以拉黑我!不说了 有缘会相见! 冠

在淘宝上发布宝贝sweet color时应该怎么填写


It shows shiny golden color but tastes spongy, sweet, soft and light texture; melts immediately when entering into your mouth, its flavour is so savory and dense fragrant.
The palate is soft and sweet, and its color is golden, sweet and not greasy. Its entrance is instant and tastes strong.
Palate is filled soft, golden color, sweet and not greasy, melt in your mouth, taste fragrant.
你好!Miantian taste soft, golden color, sweet but not greasy, importers will turn back, taste fragrant仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢。



漂亮:编辑本段释义: 1.鲜明;美丽;好看。 《说文·糸部》“纅,丝色也” 清 段玉裁 注:“谓丝之色光采灼然也。《考工记》曰:丝欲沉。注云:如在水中时色。今人谓之漂亮。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第二章:“而最漂亮的还是她那双忧郁的然而动人的眼睛。” 叶紫 《星》第一章:“她们谈着漂亮、新鲜、时髦的布料。” 巴金 《在尼斯》:“这里是一所相当漂亮的别墅,房内还有各种古玩陈设。” 2.精彩,出色。 鲁迅《朝花夕拾·<狗·猫·鼠>》:“独有这一篇童话却实在不漂亮;结怨也结得没有意思。” 曹禺 《日出》第四幕:“这次事我帮您做得相当漂亮。” 秦牧 《长河浪花集·湘阴热浪记》:“他亲自指挥、领导剿匪部队和民兵,激战在 洞庭湖 畔,打了一个个漂亮仗。” 3.喻通达情理。 叶圣陶 《线下·潘先生在难中》:“他没有不终于吃败仗的。他若肯漂亮点儿让了,战事早就没有了。” 沙汀 《淘金记》十六:“不要说了……再说就不漂亮了哇!” 可爱: 【 可爱的含义 】 读音:可爱: [ kě ài ] 释义:①、令人喜爱。②、笑容有点幼稚的意思。 又意义为:(1) [respected and beloved;respectable]∶令人敬爱的相关文献: 《书·大禹谟》:“可爱非君?可畏非民?”汉 东方朔 《神异经·东荒经》:“东方有人焉,男皆朱衣缟带玄冠,女皆采衣,男女便转可爱。”宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷四:“﹝予﹞见荆棘中有崖石,刻树石二大字,奇古可爱。”明 刘基 《浣溪沙·秋思》词:“枫叶有霜纔可爱,菊花无酒不须开。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》三:“太阳似乎不象刚才那样可爱了!” (2) [lovable;lovely;likable]∶令人喜爱的,讨人喜欢的,深受热爱的相关文献: 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闺房记乐》:“李 诗宛如 姑射仙子 ,有一种落花流水之趣,令人可爱。” (3)Q版 游戏中的"Q"的意思 Q是“cute”的同音简化,可爱的意思,Q版游戏中的人物往往有日式动漫 风格,大眼睛很漂亮的那种。 (4)“Cute”[kju:t] adj. 可爱的, 聪明的, 伶俐的, 装腔作势的 Cute原本是 acute一词的缩略形式,意为“洞察力或识别力极其敏锐的”。后来cute被用作描述敏锐性事物的褒义词,并逐渐形成了自身固定词义:“漂亮的、迷人的”。例如,我们经常听到人们用cute一词来形容一些可爱的人或事,如:cute kitten, cute dog, cute baby;表示“小巧”、“可爱”的意思;cute girl, cute guy, cute color, cute house表示“迷人”“好看”的意思。 在口语中cute指事的时候是棒的意思。. 英语写作: lovable ; likeable ; dear ; nice ; pretty ; sweet ; honey ; lovely 日语写作: 可爱い(かわいい) 形容词罗马音为:kawaii 卡哇伊的5种形式HON卡哇伊 原本就可爱CHIBI卡哇伊 小巧又可爱HEN卡哇伊 古怪才可爱DASA卡哇伊 土得真可爱OJI卡哇伊 老爸真可爱 现代新新人类译法: (1)可爱是可怜没人爱的简称。 (2)可爱另一种含义为可笑、幼稚,为贬义。


Sweet words for the quiet-spoken, rather than to talk Should be left to the hearts of young love, not pain Black should be flying breeze To cover the cold world of non-state Kiss it, while still red mrww SHANG Jing when he and an Be careful not to cover non-arrival Let the hands of sub-executive, while it is not the heart of Kai preparedness Indulge in your eyes, take advantage of blind love Love it, not take advantage of the dark night
Some sweet words is just for lonely, not for talking Young heart should be left in love but hurt Black hair should fly for fresh wind not cover the way of the world Kiss me, when the color of lip is still red When he is quite and silent When the heart have not held up and escaped yet Let hold your hand when she has not had to guard yet Addicted in eyes when love is blind Let,s love,when the night has not been over yet 纯手工翻译
Sweet words for the quiet-spoken, rather than to talk to the hearts of young love rather than the heart should be left for the breeze black non-flying state to cover the cold world to kiss it, while still red when he唇色SHANG Jing An careful not arrived and did not they cover the hands of your son, while it is not indulging in the heart of Kai eyes against it, taking advantage of blind love love it, not take advantage of the dark night
Sweet words for the quiet-spoken, rather than to talk Should be left to the hearts of young love, not pain Black should be flying breeze To cover the cold world of non-state Kiss it, while still red唇色 SHANG Jing when he and an Be careful not to cover non-arrival Let the hands of sub-executive, while it is not the heart of Kai preparedness Indulge in your eyes, take advantage of blind love Love it, not take advantage of the dark night
正确的答案是: Sweet words for the quiet-spoken, rather than to talk Should be left to the hearts of young love, not pain Black should be flying breeze To cover the cold world of non-state Kiss it, while still red唇色 SHANG Jing when he and an Be careful not to cover non-arrival Let the hands of sub-executive, while it is not the heart of Kai preparedness Indulge in your eyes, take advantage of blind love Love it, not take advantage of the dark night 我翻译完了,谢谢大家! 希望你满意,我有一些不会!>_<

文章TAG:是什么  什么  什么意思  意思  sweetcolor是什么意思  