






很简单 CITYPRINCE的镜盒没了,丢了,坏了,或者给狗叼走了,商家就拿PARIS MIKI的送给你啊,总比不能不给盒子吧


4,大家觉得Prince EXO3 Rebel Team 95怎么样

开玩笑吧?如果是EXO3 REBEL TEAM 95还无所谓,比较轻,空拍280G左右,穿了线也才300。REBEL 95和REBEL TEAM 95完全是两把拍子,根本不是一个层次。给你中肯的建议,不是猛男,切勿考虑这把REBEL 95,穿了线将近350G,甩不动的,重得要命,凭你一年的网球经验,还有普遍来说业余的身体条件,打这拍子,等着手臂报废吧。大家都是业余的,很少有高手能拿得起这种重量的拍子,球龄很多年,外加超好的身体,才行。还有,鄙视楼上的前辈瞎复制,还“非常适合你”?你想害死人家吧.....
个人建议和观点供你参考: 佳能ixus95is是采用伸缩式镜头的卡片机,成像效果要比采用潜望式镜头的卡片机要稍好些. 佳能ixus95is是全自动相机,针对各种复杂多变的拍摄环境,无法通过手动调节光圈、快门等参数来获得精确的曝光,只能通过机内预式的各种拍摄模式来应付各种复杂多变的拍摄环境,在光线较差情况下,尤其在拍摄夜景时,成像效果会显得不怎么理想,但一般家用完全能胜任. 佳能新推出的几款机型中包括佳能ixus95is,和佳能ixus80、85、90、860、870、970旧机型上,最主要的成像器件感光器芯片ccd尺寸几乎相同,都在1/2.3英寸左右,虽然有的有约几百万像素数的提升,实际成像效果上无任何大的实质性区别,基本是同类型、同档次机型,都是全自动相机,属新瓶装旧酒,无任何突出的功能,仅多了些对提升成像效果亳无影响的花哨功能而已,因刚推出,价格偏高,目前性价比较底. 佳能ixus95is这个价位上,不妨关注下佳能a590is、a650is、a720is,价格在1300-2000元左右,性能上更好点,其中佳能a650is更好,最主要的优势在感光芯片比较大,为1/1.7英寸,大尺寸的感光芯片配合约1200百万以上的高像数,能真正带来更高质量的成像效果. 佳能a590is、a650is、a720is除机内预式的多种拍摄模式外,更具有全面的手动拍摄功能,在拍摄时可以更多融入你自己想要的效果,拍摄的乐趣和空间会更大,尤其在拍摄纯夜景相片时,通过手动调节快门、光圈、iso等参数后,得到的相片画面效果清彻洁净无任何噪点,是佳能ixus95用类似夜景模式之类的所谓程序模式(俗称傻瓜模式)相机拍摄的成像效果无法相比的. 买相机和买电脑一样的,适合你用的就是最好的,你可根据自己的价位、喜爱,在网上查下资料对各款比对下.


<p>artist:owl city<br>songs title:honey and the bee</p> <p><br>don't remind me<br>that some days i'm the windshield<br>and other days i'm just a lucky bug<br>these cold iron rails<br>leave old mossy trails<br>through the countryside<br>the crow and the beanfield<br>all my best friends, but boy i need a hug<br>(boy i need a hug)<br>'cause my heart stops without you<br>there's something about you<br>that makes me feel alive<br>if the green left the grass on the other side<br>i would make like a tree and leave<br>but if i reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide<br>who knew the other side could be so green<br>don't remind me<br>i'm a chickadee in love with the sky<br>but that's clearly not a lot to crow about<br>'cause when the stars silhouette me<br>i'm scared they'll forget me and flicker out<br>i taste honey but i haven't seen the hive<br>yeah, i didn't look, i didn't even try<br>but still my heart stops without you<br>there's something about you<br>that makes me feel alive<br><a href="http://wenwen.soso.com/z/urlalertpage.e?sp=swww.superlyrics.net" target="_blank">www.superlyrics.net</a> provides song lyrics download<br>if the green left the grass on the other side<br>i would make like a tree and leave<br>but if i reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide<br>who knew the other side could be so green<br>we are honey and the bee<br>backyard of butterflies surrounded me<br>i fell in love with you like bees to honey<br>let's up and leave the weeping to the willow tree<br>and pour our tears in the sea<br>i swear!<br>there's a lot of vegetables out there<br>that crop up for air<br>yeah, i never thought<br>we were two peas in a pod<br>to be suddenly bloomed<br>and i knew that i'd always love you<br>oh, i'll always love you too<br>if the green left the grass on the other side<br>i would make like a tree and leave<br>but if i reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide<br>who knew the other side could be so green<br>if the green left the grass on the other side<br>i would make like a tree and leave<br>but if i reached for your hand, would your eyes get wide<br>who knew the other side could be so green<br>if i reached for your hand for the rest of my life<br>who knew the other side could be so green</p>
Cityhoney 是一家淘宝店名,主营女包,并非知名品牌

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